Why Healthy

America is quickly becoming a nutrition – conscious nation because Americans are choosing a healthier lifestyle. People are eating healthier at home and are looking for those same healthy options in vending as well. Improving the nutritional quality of foods and beverages in schools, corporate environments, hospitals, community centers and public places is the standard at Star Vending Services.

5 Reasons to Offer Healthier Food, Snack and Beverage

  • 1. Ensure access to healthier options and help to create more supportive food environments
  • 2. Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children
  • 3. By promoting healthier eating, you can reduce absenteeism rates in the workplace
  • 4. Reduce obesity and diet – related chronic diseases
  • 5. Reduce health care costs

An In-depth Look

Providing healthy options lays the groundwork for good health and well being. Promoting availability of healthy snack foods with whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and protein foods will help combat obesity and improve the health and nutrition of the nation. Offering healthier options will decrease the economic burden of obesity and diet – related chronic diseases, which cost $190 billion a year – half of that is paid by taxpayers through Medicaid and Medicare. Given the widespread nature and potential negative health impact of obesity, it is critical to support healthy habits. Good nutrition is important in maintaining health for all ages, therefore, offering healthy vending options should be a priority.

When schools promote healthy foods and beverages to fuel their student scholars, artists and athletes, they send a strong, positive message about how much they value student health and success. Growing children need extra nutrients to support their development, and healthy snacks are an important part of a child’s diet.

The right snack will satisfy hunger and contribute to nutrient intake at the same time. Good nutrition lays the groundwork for good health and academic success.
Employers have a tremendous opportunity to establish practices that counter the factors affecting obesity. Americans spend at least one – third of their day at work. Employees consume meals, beverages and snacks at the worksite with vending machines sometimes being the only source of food for sale. By shifting the typical foods offered in the workplace toward the healthy end of the spectrum, employers can be a force in shifting the culture toward healthier eating habits. Helping employees eat better by providing access to healthy food and snacks can prevent the onset of obesity – related health disorders and significantly lower health care costs. Offering healthy food and beverage choices in the workplace can make a huge impact on the health, productivity and overall well – being of employees.



Why Healthy
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